Parish Council Meeting
To be held at Hoar Cross Hotel and Spa
Present: Cllrs Bott, Fleet and Major, Cllr Mrs Prince
Also present: E Goodwin (Parish Clerk) and one member of the public (Mrs L Bott)
Cllr Bott chaired the Meeting
- Apologies: Cllr Mrs Sherwood;
The Chairman welcomed County Cllr Jessell and PCSO Hadfield.
2 10 Minutes public speaking time:
3 Declarations of interest:
Cllr Prince declared an interest in Planning Application P/2017/00342 – Conversion of existing agricultural building to form farm shop and café and installation of solar panels on roof at The Deer Park.
4 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 20th November 2017:
The Minutes were signed as a true record of the Meeting.
5 Matters arising not covered by the Agenda:
The Parish Clerk raised the issue of the Data Protection Bill and the General Data Protection Regulation that will come into force in May 2018; Cllr Jessell said the information would be circulated to Parish Councils by Andy O’Brian as and when.
Cllr Bott read out an email from Cllr Sherwood regarding the siting of the bench and the repair of the speed gate; it was decided to ask for more information from the contractors.
6 Planning – Cllr Major: Applications received:P/2017/01506 erection of a two storey extension, conversion of garage and other works at Stables Cottage – no objections.
Applications approved: P/2017/01425 erection of a single storey extension and porch
at Roosters.
Applications refused: none
Applications update: none
Other planning matters: P/2017/00799 removal of trees at Hoar Cross Hall – no objections.
P/2017/00342 conversion of buildings at the Deer Park; the Clerk related her conversation with a member of the Planning Dept, and Cllr Jessell gave advice as to what to do.
P/2017/01354 demolition of buildings, erection of garage and store room, change of agricultural land to domestic garden area at Brackenhurst Manor – no objections.
10 Parish Councillors reports:
Highways Cllr Bott asked the Clerk to write to Royal Mail to ask them to place a concrete base or slabs at the base of the postbox to make the area less churned up.
Environment Cllr Mrs Prince had nothing to report.
Footpaths Cllr Mrs Sherwood had reported the stile by Woodman’s Cottage and also the fencing on Jacksons Bank; these have been placed on a waiting list.
11 County Councillor’s report:
Cllr Jessell reported that the road markings had been done; the County Council is setting the budget from 1st April 2018, and has a £12m deficit; repairs to the Highways will be included in next year’s budget; the forum was well attended.
12 Borough Councillor’s report:
Cllr Bott will email the quote for the siting of the bench to Cllr Johnson; he will request extra funds to pay for its siting.
PCSO Hadfield explained her role as a member of the Rural and Wildlife Crime Team; she is also the Horsewatch Co-ordinator. She stressed that if members of the public see anything suspicious to ring 101 to report it, as events could form part of the jigsaw. She confirmed that fly-tipping is a council issue, and reminded people to make sure their house is secure and to put things away.
13 Parish Clerk’s report:
The Clerk has received the new Electoral Register.
14 Finances:
The Bank Reconciliation was approved; the Clerk explained that more cheques had gone through, so the balance had changed, as at the end of December 2017. The cheques were signed. The Clerk is to write to the Parochial Church Council asking how much money they would like. The Clerk has made a VAT claim.
16 Parish website:
The Clerk explained how she had tried to contact the creator of the website by phone, email and letter, but had had no response; it was decided not to pursue this avenue any further, but to investigate setting up a new website.
Cllr Jessell explained how it had been recognised that smaller Parish Councils would have problems with the expenses incurred in setting up and running a website; Cllr Johnson agreed to speak to someone at ESBC with regard to setting up and managing a new website.
15 Expenses/Budget 2018-2019:
The Clerk explained how she had met Cllrs Bott and Fleet to discuss the Budget for 2018-2019, and how they had calculated the figures. Cllr Bott explained how the cost of setting up a new website needs to be budgeted for in the Precept. The Precept was discussed; Cllr Fleet suggested applying for £5529.00, seconded by Cllr Mrs Prince and carried. The Clerk will complete the paperwork and send it to ESBC.
17 Defibrillator:
There was a discussion as to where a defibrillator would be placed, and it was decided to leave this at the moment, and re-visit it when the pub is re-opened.
18 Correspondence:
The Clerk asked if she could apply to go on a course run by SPCA regarding the Audit; this was agreed.
19 Members point of information:
20 Date of next meetings: Tuesday 6th February; Monday 16th April in the Old Chapel at Hoar Cross Hall at 7.30pm.