Parish Council Meeting
To be held at the Church of the Holy Angels
Present: Cllrs Bott, Fleet and Major, Cllr Mrs Prince
Miss E Goodwin (Parish Clerk) and two members of the public (Mrs L Bott and Mrs R Major)
Cllr Bott chaired the Meeting
1 Apologies
Cllr Mrs Sherwood
2 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 16th April 2018
These were signed as an accurate record of the Meeting
——.3 Matters arising not covered on the Agenda
Cllr Fleet asked about the BKV; it was explained that the first round of judging would have taken place, but nothing will be known until 1st August.
Cllr Bott explained that Lynne Bott had investigated the website and had been able to upload a document. He proposed that she be the website administrator, and this was agreed.
Cllr Bott explained that we are waiting for information from Cllr Johnson regarding GDPR.
Cllr Bott reported that someone had tried to steal the new bench and that Mr Turvey had removed it and repaired it; the Clerk is to write to thank him, and to ask if there are any costs to be reimbursed.
It was reported that Mr Eyre has taken on the mowing of the grass in the memorial garden.
Cllr Fleet reported that he had contacted the Council regarding the potholes.
4 Parish Councillors Reports
Cllr Bott said these reports would be made in the Annual Parish Meeting.
Parish Clerk’s Report
______ The Clerk had met with Alan Toplis regarding the Audit, and has arranged to meet him again in October.
6 Finance
A number of cheques were signed.
7 The Annual Parish Meeting
Cllr Bott explained how he would deal with the VDS in the APM: a survey had been conducted, but the number of responses was low and not representative of the village. The PC had decided to write to ESBC and say they were happy that the document could be used.
Cllr Bott would talk about the Budget and the accounts.
8 Correspondence
The Clerk had received a letter from HMRC regarding the payment of PAVE; she will try to make the payment through the bank rather than post the cheque. She had submitted a request to the Royal Mail to move the postbox, and had received an automatically generated reply by email.
9 Dates of next meetings: Monday 18th June and Monday 3?th July in the Old Chapel at Hoar Cross Hall.