Annual Parish Meeting
To be held at the Church of the Holy Angels, Hoar Cross
Cllr Bott welcomed everyone to the Meeting
1 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs H Sherwood and Mrs J Carpenter
2 Minutes of the 2017 Annual Parish Meeting
Cllr Bott proposed that the Minutes were an accurate record; Mrs L Bott seconded, all agreed and the Minutes were signed.
3 Matters arising not covered in the Minutes
Bin on the Newborough Road: the Parish Cllrs confirmed that they were in the process of having a bin located in the layby.
Village Design Statement (VDS): Cllr Bott explained there had been a discussion at the 2017 Annual Parish Meeting, a survey had been carried out, and there had been a fairly small, mixed response, which was evidence of there not being a lot of interest. The Parish Council had forwarded the results to ESBC, and confirmed they had no objection to the VDS being used when Planning Applications are made; it is an informative document only. It was confirmed that the VDS had been submitted as it was, and that it was a reference document only.
4 Annual reports of the Council Highways Cllr Bott The Parish Council has no money/no authority/no power, but it can highlight needs. Potholes are a big concern, and the Parish Cllrs have agreed to take a road each and report any potholes; there is a 60 day time limit for repairs. Cllr Mrs Prince referred to the large pothole in Newchurch, but Yoxall Parish Cllrs have not done anything about it.
The Parish Council had requested road markings to try to slow the traffic down outside the Church; the markings are partially correct. It had taken 11 months to get the markings done, and this was after County Cllr Mrs Jessell had intervened.
It had been requested that Thorney Lanes by marked by Highways as being narrow and having passing places; the request had been acknowledged by Highways; Cllr Bott will follow up with County Cllr Mrs Jessell. A request was made as to whether Thorney Lanes could be designated a ‘Quiet Lane’; Cllr Bott will follow up with County Cllr Jessell. With regards to the rubbish on Thorney Lanes, parishioners or the Parish Cllrs can report it.
Planning Cllr Major Cllr Bott confirmed that Cllr Mrs Prince had declared an interest in the Planning Application for The Deer Park.
Cllr Major said there had been Planning Applications for house extensions, but nothing controversial; he was disappointed that the Planning Application for The Deer Park had not progressed
Environment Cllr Mrs Prince The Parish Cllrs can only ask that farmers take more care on the roads/verges.
There has been some flytipping and litter dropped.
It was pointed out that the drain covers on School Hill had been blocked, which caused flooding.
Cllr Prince said the wooden rubbish bin at Jacksons Bank had been set on fire.
Footpaths Cllr Mrs Sherwood – the fence at Jackson’s Bank and the stile at Woodman’s Cottage have been repaired.
5 Accounts for the year to 31st March 2018/Budget to 31st March 2019
Cllr Bott explained there had been an overspend of £18.86.
He thanked the Parish Clerk for doing the accounts and for keeping track of the finances.
He explained that the Budget is a guide, and that there will always be variations.
The Parish Council has to pay VAT, but can then claim it back.
The Parish Council had increased the Precept to cover the monies taken out of the reserves to cover the increase in the costs of running the website; the Parish Council is required by law to publish all documents on the website, and it needs to be updated to make it accessible and open.
6 County Councillor’s report – Cllr Mrs J Jessell
No report.
7 Borough Councillor’s report – Cllr A Johnson
No report.
Cllr Bott commented that he is grateful to both Councillors for their support: Cllr Johnson used money from the Councillors Community Fund for the new bench, and Cllr Mrs Jessell helped with the road markings.
8 Questions/comments from members of the public
Cllr Mrs Prince thanked Lynne Bott as the instigator of the Best Kept Village competition; she said it had been an enjoyable experience, she asked people to get involved, saying they would be most welcome.
Cllr Bott thanked the Parish Councillors for their support and work over the last 12 months; he thanked the Parish Clerk for her hard work.
Mrs Humpidge suggested the Parish Council buy the Meynell; Cllr Bott thanked her for putting the photograph on the front page of the Newsletter as this had resulted in the site being tidied up.
Mr Humpidge commented that format of the meeting had been good.