Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held at the Church of the Holy Angels, Hoar Cross at 7.30 p.m.
The Agenda can be found here
Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 22nd June 2021 at The Church of Holy Angels, Hoar Cross
Present: Cllr Bott, Cllr Mrs Sherwood, Cllr Major
Miss E Goodwin (Parish Clerk)
2 members of the Public
Cllr Bott chaired the Meeting
1 Public Speaking Time
Mrs G Richardson raised the issue of the speed of traffic when travelling past the Church, and wondered if a vertical ‘Stop’ sign could be erected. (The Parish Clerk made this request on her behalf)
2 Apologies
Cllrs Mrs Prince and Mrs Smith, PCSO Leathers
3 Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest.
4 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 18th May 2021
The Minutes were agreed, and Cllr Bott signed them.
5 Matters arising not covered on the Agenda
There were no matters arising.
6 HS2
The Parish Clerk had forwarded various emails to the Parish Councillors.
7 Planning Cllr Major
- a) Applications received P/2021/00663 formation of additional car parking area at the Meynell Ingram Arms; there were no objections.
P/2021/00803 felling of one sycamore tree at Hoar Cross Hall; there were no objections.
- b) Applications approved P/2021/00208 formation of a new vehicular access to serve dwelling and paddock at Church View, Brakenhurst Farm House, Abbots Bromley Road. P/2021/00580 application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the removal of condition 1 of planning permission PC/18005/013/MB dated 29/04/2008 relating to the erection of a dwelling relating to the occupancy of the dwelling at The Manor House, Maker Lane.
- c) Applications refused
- d) Other planning matters P/2020/00941 erection of an agricultural storage building on School Hill
P/2020/01066 erection of a single storey timber stable building, hardstanding and formation of gravel access track at Netherwood Farm, Abbots Bromley Road
P/2020/01069 raising of ridge height to form additional accommodation at Dawsons Lodge, Thorney Lanes
P/2020/01491 conversion and alteration of existing building to accommodate three biomass boilers and associated works, and construction of storage bay at Hoar Cross Hall
P/2021/00136 application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for the continued use of land as a domestic garden of land opposite Swarbourne Cottage, Bow Meadow Lane
P/2021/00238 demolition of rear outbuilding to facilitate the erection of a part single and two storey extension at Chantry Farm, Thorney Lanes
P/2021/00313 conversion of garage to form annexe to the main dwelling house at Lawley Cottage, Newborough End
P/2021/00324 change of use of land from agricultural to dog exercise area of land lying to the south of Far Hoar Cross Farm, Lower Hoar Cross Road
P/2021/00349 felling of trees at Hoar Cross Day Nursery, Abbots Bromley Road
8 Parish Councillors Reports
Highways Cllr Bott has reported the crumbling inspection covers on School Hill, and this has been acknowledged. He has reported the damage to the Hoar Cross sign on the Abbots Bromley Road; the BKV sign and the Hoar Cross signs are missing. Cllr Mrs Sherwood will speak to Sam Gregson about replacing the speed gate. The Parish Clerk was asked to contact County Councillor Jessell regarding a ‘Slow’ sign near to the Church.
Environment Cllr Mrs Prince – no report.
Footpaths Cllr Mrs Sherwood – nothing to report.
9. County Councillor Jessel’s Report
No report had been received.
10 Borough Councillor Beech’s Report
Cllr Mrs Prince had requested that Cllr Beech be thanked for her involvement with regard to the additional bins.
11 PCSO Leathers Report
This had been circulated to the Parish Councillors prior to the Meeting.
12 Parish Clerk’s Report
Nothing to report.
13 Finance
The Clerk has circulated the Bank Reconciliation for the end of May.
It was resolved to pay the following cheques:
Date Chq Payee Details Amount
21st June 843 Toplis Assoc Ltd Annual Audit £112.00 + £22.40 VAT
21st June 845 Mrs H Sherwood Planters, plants £117.28 + £29.65 VAT
21st June 846 Miss E Goodwin Expenses £89.79
21st June 847 HMRC PAYE £115.40
14 Approval of the Annual Audit
The Annual Audit was approved and signed
15 Approval of Toplis Associates as Internal Auditors 2021-2022, 2022-2023
It was agreed to appoint Toplis Associates Ltd as the Internal Auditors.
16 Discussion and ratification of the Financial Policy, Risk Assessment, Standing Orders. The Parish Clerk will forward the Policies again, to be discussed at the September Meeting.
17 Website accessibility
Mrs Bott is populating the new website.
18 Bus shelter
Cllr Mrs Sherwood has met Sam Gregson; he will do what needs doing; Cllr Sherwood will let the Parish Clerk know the cost.
19 Correspondence
Letter from Royal British Legion Industries regarding the Tommy statues; it was agreed to give a donation to a charity later in the year.
Email from Fiona Davenport regarding flights from Tatenhill Airfield. Cllr Major pointed out that this issue will crop up from time to time, and he will talk to Mike Shelton regarding times, flight direction etc.
20 Members Points of Information
Cllr Mrs Sherwood reported that Cllr Mrs Prince has contacted Jim Rock’s executor, who will purchase and fix a bench on Maker Lane.
21 Dates of next meetings: Monday 20th September; Monday 6th December. The Parish Clerk will email Hoar Cross Hall with regard to using the Old Chapel for these Meetings.