Parish Council Meeting
To be held at Hoar Cross Hall Hotel and Spa
Present: Cllrs Bott, Fleet and Major, Cllrs Mrs Prince and Mrs Sherwood
Miss E Goodwin (Parish Clerk) and two members of the public (Mrs L Bott and Mrs R Major)
Cllr Bott chaired the Meeting
1 Public Participation
There was no public participation
2 Apologies
Brgh Cllr Johnson
3 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Prince declared an interest in Planning Application P/2017/00342
4 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 6th February 2018
These were signed as an accurate record of the Meeting
5 Matters arising not covered on the Agenda
Cllr Bott reported the sign on Blunts Hollow has been repaired.
Cllr Sherwood will follow up the quote regarding the speed gates with Simon Gregson.
The Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Johnson regarding the placing of bins in the layby on the Newborough Road and by the new bench, and she will ask about the refund of costs of siting the new bench. The resiting of the post box was discussed – the Clerk will request that it is moved back to its original position in Maker Lane, opposite the Church and between Church Cottage and the Old Vicarage.
6 Planning – Cllr Major
a) Applications received: P/2018/00208 – installation of dormer window, two rooflights and three sun pipes and closing up of one doorway and removal of two rooflights at Lavender Cottage, St Michael’s Drive
b) Applications approved: P/2018/00099 – erection of a part first floor and part two storey rear extension at Cross Roads Farm
P/2018/00113 – tree works at Hoar Cross Hall
P/2018/00281 – tree works at Hoar Cross Hall
c) Applications refused:
d) Applications update: P/2018/00036 – Lawley Cottage, Newborough End – this is ongoing and a public meeting has been called, but the house is out of the Hoar Cross Parish
e) Other planning matters: P/2017/00342 – conversion of buildings at The Deer Park – this is ongoing
7 Parish Councillors Reports
Highways Cllr Bott will follow up the ‘Slow’ signs on the road outside the Nursery and the signs on Thorney Lanes. There are a number of potholes on the roads; there was a discussion on how to notify the Highways Dept, and as to which Cllr would report which road.
Environment Cllr Prince had nothing to report
Footpaths Cllr Sherwood had nothing to report
8 County Councillor’s Report
Nothing to report
9 Borough Councillor’s Report
Brgh Cllr Johnson has asked for suggestions on how to spend the £250.00 from the Councillors Community Fund; the Clerk is to contact him as to when this money needs to be claimed.
10 Parish Clerk’s Report
The Clerk has received the paperwork for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2017-2018, and is meeting Alan Topliss on Friday 20th April to go through the paperwork.
The Clerk is planning to update and sign off the policies at the PC Meeting in June; the Financial Regulations were discussed and amended.
11 Finance
The cheques were signed; the Clerk has received the VAT refund.
12 Parish website
Cllr Johnson had suggested setting up a Facebook page; Cllr Prince will contact Mike Arch regarding the administration rights.
13 Expenses/Precept/Budget
The Precept had not been received at the end of March.
The Budget sheet and expenses sheet were discussed.
14 Annual Parish Meeting
The Agenda was discussed; the Clerk was requested to look at Agendas from other PCs for APMs, and report back to the Cllrs. Cllr Bott confirmed the Nursing Home would photocopy the invitation to attend/Agenda.
Copies of the Minutes of the APM 2017, the Budget sheet and the Expenses sheet will be available at the APM.
Cllrs Prince and Sherwood will provide tea/coffee/biscuits for the APM.
15 Data Protection Bill/General Data Protection Regulation
The Clerk is to contact Brgh Cllr Johnson regarding the information/guidance to be given out by ESBC.
16 Correspondence
It was agreed to accept the quote from T and E Garden Services for mowing around the speed gates, and the Clerk is to ask them to cut the grass before judging for the BKV begins on 1st May; she is also to ask Neil Fleming to cut the grass opposite the Meynell.
It was agreed to accept the quote from Zurich for the insurance; the speed gates need to be added. It was agreed to pay the quote at the May meeting, even if the speed gates had not been added to the policy.
The Clerk has received a letter regarding changes in the way to claim VAT refund.
17 Members points of information
There were none
18 Dates of next meetings: Tuesday 22nd May at 7.00pm in the Church; Monday 18th June and Monday 30th July in the Old Chapel at Hoar Cross Hall