Parish Council Meeting
To be held at Hoar Cross Hotel and Spa
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 8th January 2019
at Hoar Cross Hall and Health Spa
Present: Cllrs Bott, Fleet and Major, Cllr Mrs Prince
Miss E Goodwin (Parish Clerk) and five members of the public
County Cllr Mrs Jessell, Borough Cllr Johnson
Cllr Bott chaired the Meeting
1 Public participation
Cllr Bott welcomed the members of the public, and comments were received about the proposed building works at Primary Works, Thorney Lanes.
2 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Sherwood.
3 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Mrs Prince declared an interest in Planning Application P/2017/00342.
4 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 13th November 2018
These were signed as an accurate record of the Meeting.
5 Matters arising not covered on the Agenda
There were no matters arising.
6 Ashbourne Community Transport
Pat Laughlin explained about the mini bus service (Little Staffie Service) which operates out of Burton and Uttoxeter to the surrounding villages; the service is demand responsive, and is available for people in Hoar Cross. The County Council has stopped funding the service, so she is looking for funds from other sources eg charities, Parish Councils. The costs will be £5000 from Uttoxeter, and £10,000 from Burton.
7 HS2 update
Cllrs Fleet and Mrs Sherwood had attended recent meeting, and the Parkgate Steering Group had been set up, with Bethan Waite as the Chairman and Brian Biddulph as the Vice Chairman. Cllr Fleet explained that there is not a lot of new information forthcoming, except that the substation will be sited part within the Hoar Cross Parish and part within Newborough Parish boundaries. The final plans have not been published; the Group can be more focussed when the plans have been finalised. There is a meeting at the end of January, and they are hoping to meet
Michael Fabricant MP in February. Cllr Jessel had met Michael Fabricant MP in December 2018: he reported Parliament supports HS2; it will go ahead as a passenger route, and the existing route will carry freight; he feels
people will be amenable to underground cables, so this could be a tactic.
Cllr Jessel has no information regarding the date for publishing the plans; the County Councillors will have a meeting with Parish Cllrs and County Cllrs when the plans have been published. The County Council’s stance is that it is against HS2, and it will now take action to mitigate against its impact; the County Council will head up the petition. Cllr Fleet said it was important for all of the Parish Councils to work together.
8 Planning – Cllr Major
a) Applications received P/2018/01415 relocation of buildings and formation
of a menage at Hunters Lodge, Thorney Lanes – there were no objections.
P/2018/01318 demolition of conservatory and erection
of a two storey extension at St Michael’s House – there were no objections.
P/2018/01480 Cllr Major explained the buildings would be infill; they will be hidden by the hedge; they are on a public highway. There were no objections from the Parish Council. Cllr Bott reminded those present that the Parish Council has no influence or impact on planning applications; he took note of the comments from the public
session; Highways probably will not put restrictions on the traffic, but he did suggest the Parish Council approach the owner to ask drivers to come in a certain way. Borough Cllr Johnson offered to get more information about this application, the existing building and any possible restrictions.
b) Applications approved P/2018/01342 Prior approval for the conversion of an
agricultural building to a dwelling at Far Hoar Cross Farm, Lower Road.
c) Applications refused
d) Applications update P/2018/01310 The retention of stables and continued
use of land as equestrian for cross country jumping practice at Birchwood House, Abbots Bromley Road – Borough Cllr Johnson reported that this is in the hands of Enforcement.
e) Other planning matters P/2017/00342 Conversion of an agricultural building to
form a farm shop and café at The Deer Park, Maker Lane – no progress.
9 Parish Councillors Reports
Highways Cllr Bott explained that ‘Quiet Lanes’ are to encourage walkers, cyclists
and horse riders, and have a speed limit of 20mph. There are no Quiet Lanes in Staffordshire. The Parish Council can request the County Council gives consideration to such designation; it would need to show considerable local support eg through a survey. Cllr Jessel said she would look into and feedback; she will contact Richard Rasen regarding the sinking in Thorney Lanes, which needs structural repair.
Cllr Bott reported there is no money to make passing places on Thorney Lanes. Cllr Jessel explained that Planning Officers can ask that applicants contribute to the development of the road eg passing places.
Environment Cllr Mrs Prince Nothing to report.
Footpaths Cllr Mrs Sherwood No report.
10 County Councillor’s Report
Cllr Jessel reported that the County Council has to make savings of £34m this year, but the County Council will retain £5m for road repairs and there will be funds of £8.9m from National Government; she encouraged members of the public to report potholes.
She is organising a meeting with Parish Councillors on 24th January.
The County Council is to be a pilot Council for a scheme for the retention of business rates, so this will raise a further £12m.
There will be a forthcoming report on school crossing patrols.
There are going to be experimental orders restricting lorries on the A515.
11 Borough Councillor’s Report
Brgh Cllr Johnson explained that SLA will run the Leisure Centres, promoting the ‘Everyone Active’ scheme; prices will increase at the usual rate; £1.7m will be invested in the Leisure Centres; these changes will be monitored.
The Council will be setting the Budget and the Council Tax (which will increase).
There will be Council Elections on 2nd May 2019.
This will be the last year of the Councillors Community Fund, and then it will be combined with the Neighbourhood Community Fund. There is no deadline for the purchase of the strimmer, but Cllr Bott recommended the Parish Council set a deadline of 31st March 2019; two invoices – £250.00 for the Neighbourhood Community Fund and the balance for the Parish Council. Cllr Prince will purchase the strimmer and protective clothing.
12 Parish Clerk’s Report
Dates of the next Meetings: Monday 11th February; Monday 25th March; Monday 13th May at 6.30pm in the Church, followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm; Monday 24th June.
The Clerk had discovered that the Parish Council had taken over paying for the church clock (as opposed to contributing to the Parish Church Council) from September 2008. As the expenses for the clock had gone over Budget for the year 2018-2019, the Clerk was asked to write to the Church Wardens to ask them to consult the Parish Council regarding any major expenses for the clock.
The Clerk has made the VAT claim (£273.85) for 2018.
The asset register was discussed; the Parish Clerk is to look at how much it costs to insure each item.
13 Finance
Bank Reconciliation was approved, and the following cheque signed:
8th Jan 777 Hoar Cross Hall Room hire (January) 20.00
The Precept for 2019-2020 was discussed; it was agreed to increase it to £5800.
Cllr Bott handed out some information.
It was suggested the Parish Clerk set up a group email so that the Parish Councillors know that emails have been sent to all members.
15 Correspondence
Invitation to the meeting organised by Cllr Jessel; Cllr Fleet will attend.
16 Members points of interest
There were none.
17 Dates of next meeting: Monday 11th February, Monday 25th March in the Old Chapel at Hoar Cross Hall at 7.30pm, 6.30pm Monday 13th May followed by the Annual Parish Meeting in the Church, Monday 24th June in the Old Chape