Parish Council Meeting
To be held at the Deer Park, Maker Lane, Hoar Cross DE13 8QR
- Public participation: 10 minutes – brief points of view from parishioners present will be taken by the Chairman but only about Agenda items. This will not form part of Council business or the official Minutes.
- Apologies
- Declarations of interest
- Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 18th September 2023
- Matters arising not covered by the Agenda
- Planning – Cllr Baxter a) Applications received:
- b) Applications approved: P/2023/00434 – change of use of land to a mixed use of agricultural and equestrian for the use by horses and erection of a detached stable block and tack room and construction of vehicular access for private use at land off Becks Lane
P/2023/00713 – formation of outdoor spa garden on roof terrace of existing spa with associated stairs/lift extension, pergola, log burner and flue, enclosed cabana loungers, 3 x pools and sauna/wc room at Hoar Cross Hall, Maker Lane
P/2023/00716 – Listed Building Consent for the formation of outdoor spa garden on roof terrace of existing spa with associated stairs/lift extension, pergola, log burner and flue, enclosed cabana loungers, 3 x pools and sauna/wc room at Hoar Cross Hall, Maker Lane
- c) Applications refused:
- Other planning matters: P/2022/00380 – construction mobile home for occasional use as grooms accommodation, storage barn and viewing gazebo at Birchwood House, Abbots Bromley Road (no decision recorded 7th November) P/2023/00416 – partial demolition of the former Abbots Bromley School Buildings, conversion and extension of the remaining school buildings to form 60 dwellings, erection of 58 dwellings and garaging and a detached Community Store P/2023/00417 – Listed Building Consent for the partial demolition of the former Abbots Bromley School Buildings, internal and external alterations to facilitate the conversion of the remaining buildings to form 60 dwellings P/2023/00749 – partial demolition of St Mary’s teaching block, sports hall and swimming pool at Abbots Bromley School for Girls P/2023/00907 – siting of mobile home as grooms accommodation and associated hardstanding including demolition of existing stables at Birchwood House, Abbots Bromley Road
7 Parish Councillors reports Highways Cllr Mrs Patterson
Environment Cllr Mrs Prince
Footpaths Cllr Mrs Sherwood
8 County Councillor Jessel’s Report
9 Borough Councillor’s Ashcroft, Gould, Jones Report
10 PCSO Edwards Report
11 Parish Clerk’s Report
12 Finances Banking arrangements – update cheque signatories – Cllr Mrs Sherwood
Approve the Bank Reconciliation
Payments to be approved for payment Miss E Goodwin salary/expenses
Time Assured – £880.00 + VAT
A Bonnick – £150.00
Deer Park Dairy Limited – £30.00
13 Precept 2024-2025
14 Discussion and Ratification of the Financial Policy, Risk Assessment, Standing Orders,
Media Policy, Publication Scheme
15 Best Kept Village update – Cllr Mrs Smith
16 ‘Discover East Staffordshire’ website – Cllr Mrs Baxter
17 6th June 2024 – 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings
18 Church clock
19 The land opposite The Meynell
20 HS2 update
21 Correspondence
22 Members Points of Information
23 Date of next Meetings: Monday 18th March 2024, Monday 20th May Annual Parish Council Meeting/Annual Parish Meeting, Monday 17th June, Monday 16th September, Monday 2nd December at The Deer Park, Maker Lane
Minutes of the Parish Council Annual Meeting held on Monday 4th December 2023
at The Deer Park, Maker Lane, Hoar Cross
Present: Cllrs Mrs Smith, Mrs Baxter, Mrs Prince, Mrs Sherwood, Mrs Patterson
Miss E Goodwin (Parish Clerk), County Cllr Jessell, Borough Cllr Ashcroft
- Public Participation
No members of the public had attended the Meeting.
- Apologies
No apologies had been received.
3 Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest.
4 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 18th September 2023
The Minutes were agreed as a true representation of the Meeting, and Cllr Mrs Smith signed
5 Matters arising not covered on the Agenda
There were no matters arising.
6 Planning – Cllr Mrs Baxter
- a) Applications received:
- b) Applications approved: P/2023/00434 – change of use of land to a mixed use of
agricultural and equestrian for use by horses and erection of a detached stable block and tack
room and construction of vehicular access for private use at land off Becks Lane
P/2023/00713 – formation of outdoor spa garden on roof
terrace of existing spa with associated stairs/lift extension, pergola, log burner and flue,
enclosed cabana loungers, 3 x pools and sauna/wc room at Hoar Cross Hall, Maker Lane
P/2023/00716 – Listed Building Consent for the formation
of outdoor spa garden on roof terrace of existing spa with associated stairs/lift extension,
pergola, log burner and flue, enclosed cabana loungers, 3 x pools and sauna/wc room at Hoar
Cross Hall, Maker Lane
- c) Applications refused:
- d) Other planning matters: P/2023/00416 – partial demolition of the former
Abbots Bromley School Buildings, conversion and extension of the remaining school
Buildings to form 60 dwellings, erection of 58 dwellings and garaging and a detached Community Store
P/2023/00417 – Listed Building Consent for the partial demolition of the former Abbots Bromley School Buildings, internal and external alterations to facilitate the conversion and extension of the remaining school buildings to form 60 dwellings
P/2023/00749 – partial demolition of St Mary’s teaching block, sports hall and swimming pool at Abbots Bromley School for Girls
P/2023/00907 – siting of mobile home as grooms accommodation and associated hardstanding including demolition of existing stables at Birchwood House, Abbots Bromley Road (replaced P/2022/00380)
8 Parish Councillors Reports
Highways – Cllr Mrs Patterson had reported four potholes in August, and is still waiting for a
visit from the inspector.
County Cllr Jessell asked Cllr Mrs Patterson to send her the report numbers and she will escalate
Cllr Jessell – there are three categories of road reparir: Category 1 – done within 24 hours; Category 2; Category 3 – do not get done
road inspectors have been in house since April 2023
County Cllrs can request that some potholes are dealt with more quickly
there is a lack of funding
many rural roads do not have a proper foundation
the Council have put forward an extra £15m this year, totalling £87m for road repairs, plus an extra £3m from the Government
the Council have invested in a pothole pro by JCB
from 2024 there will be automated scanning to record defects
Cllr Mrs Patterson asked about the ‘No lorries’ signs on Thorney Lanes, Roost Hill and Dark Lane.
County Cllr Jessell said there had been no consultation or road order; neither Hoar Cross nor
Newborough Parish Councils knew anything about them.
Environment – Cllr Mrs Prince reported the water on the road by the Church – she will check if
there is a blocked drain or a blocked gully and report it to County Cllr Jessell. There is flooding
at the top of School Hill caused by a blocked culvert.
Footpaths – Cllr Mrs Sherwood has emailed Staffordshire County Council regarding a number of
stiles that maybe dangerous; County Cllr Jessell asked for a copy of the email.
The footpath sign at Ladysmith has been painted over, and the stiles are not as they should be.
County Cllr Jessell will find out if there are some stiles available and she will get someone to fit them; it is not a legal requirement that stiles have access for dogs.
Cllr Mrs Smith has purchased ‘Dogs must be on a lead’ signs to be put on the stiles.
8 County Councillor Jessel’s Report
Cllr Jessell updated the Cllrs about the roads: she recognises that the roads are not in a
good state and will follow up Cllr Mrs Patterson’s report
work on the Branston interchange on the
A38 will begin in February 2024
between four hundred and five hundred houses are being built at Drakelow, and the increase in traffic is causing problems with the
Bailey Bridge
The Chief Inspector has been recruiting, and Cllr Jessell will organise a meeting with the new
The changes made by the Boundary Commission have gone ahead.
Unlike other local authorities, Staffordshire County Council is not in financial difficulties
because of decisions made earlier.
9 Borough Councillors Report
Borough Cllr Ashcroft introduced herself
10 PCSO Edwards Report
There has been no contact from PCSO Edwards
11 Parish Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had met Kim Squires in October, and all had gone well; Kim was pleased with the
website, and made some suggestions for the Clerk to follow up:
add the Asset Register to the website, including the new ‘tree’ bench
send the expenses to the Cllrs before each meeting
chase up the invoice from ESBC for the election in May; the Clerk did this, and the invoices are with the finance team. The invoice stands at £2403.88.
Kim suggested increasing the Precept, and to ringfence money to pay for future
12 Finance
Cllr Mrs Sherwood had begun the process to move to Internet banking; Cllrs Mrs Smith
and Mrs Patterson have to sign the paperwork. James Major has been taken off the
list of signatories.
The bank reconciliation to 20th November had been circulated to the Cllrs.
It was resolved to pay the following cheques:
Date Cheque Payee Amount
4th Dec 928 Deer Park Dairy Ltd Room hire £30.00
4th Dec 929 Time Assured Church clock repair £880.00+£176.00VAT
4th Dec 930 Anthony Bonnick Tree bench £150.00
4th Dec 931 Kay Bentley Bouncy Castle £195.00
SO Miss E Goodwin Salary £447.85
4th Dec 932 Miss E Goodwin Salary £83.20
Expenses £180.00
4th Dec 933 HMRC PAYE £132.60
4th Dec 934 Cllrs Mrs Smith Signs £6.63+£1.33VAT
Food/wine BKV thanks £79.83+£15.97VAT
13 Precept 2024-2025
Following the meeting between the Clerk and Cllrs Mrs Smith and Mrs Prince, the figures were discussed as the Clerk had made some alterations to the figures. There was a discussion as to whether an increase to the Precept of £1000 would be too much; the Clerk is to redo the figures showing a £1000 and a £600 increase.
14 Discussion and Ratification of the Financial Policy, Risk Assessment, Standing Orders, Media
Policy, Publication Scheme
The Clerk proposed all of the policies; all were agreed.
There was a discussion regarding GDPR; Cllr Mrs Baxter has set up a Parish Council email address.
Cllrs Jessell and Ashcroft explained that having a Parish Council address keeps personal and Council
mails separate, and offers some protection.
15 Best Kept Village update – Cllr Mrs Smith
Cllr Mrs Smith has received the report from the BKV, and suggestions made were to
include The Deer Park in the judging area
display BKV publicity
include items on the map and BKV points.
Cllr Mrs Baxter commented that more photographs are needed.
16 ‘Discover East Staffordshire’ website – Cllr Mrs Baxter
Cllr Mrs Baxter had attended a National Forest Networking Meeting. The ‘Discover East
Staffordshire’ website promotes events, places of interest etc; it was agreed to promote
the Church, and Cllr Mrs Baxter will speak to Canon Paul and Rachel Major.
17 Thursday 6th June 2024 – 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings
The Parish Clerk reported that Lesley Prince will be looking at a possible event/celebration
after Christmas.
18 Church clock
The Parish Council has received another invoice from Time Assured for work on the Church clock;
Cllr Mrs Smith will speak to Mrs Major; Cllr Mrs Prince suggested discussing a limit to the
amount of money the Parish Council will pay towards the upkeep of the Church clock.
19 Land opposite The Meynell
It was noted that people are still using this land as a car park; Cllr Mrs Prince suggested speaking
to the Manager and ask that they keep it tidy if they are using it; Cllr Mrs Smith agreed to do so.
20 HS2 Update
The Parish Clerk had forwarded an email in November explaining that HS2 is no longer going
ahead, and explaining what is going on in the background.
21 Correspondence
NatWest bank offering a short term, higher interest account; it was agreed to transfer some money for 35 days. Cllr Mrs Smith and the Clerk will talk to the bank with regards to the Clerk’s access to the Bank accounts.
Email from the PCC regarding the contribution to the mowing of the Churchyard; Cllr Mrs
Smith will speak to Mrs Major.
22 Members Points of Information
There were no members Points of Information
23 Dates of the next Meetings
Monday 18th March 2024, Monday 20th May (Annual Parish Council Meeting/Annual Parish
Meeting), Monday 17th June, Monday 16th September, Monday 2nd December at The Deer Park